Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bluebell Woods 2

I'm having to write a second post about Bluebell Woods because this morning I suddenly realized I had forgotten to write about one of the most memorable aspects of the woods: the SMELL of the bluebells! a totally intoxicating, overpowering and nostalgic smell. If you are not familiar with bluebells, think of the smell of a hyacinth when you grow it in a pot and it flowers in your living-room (they are, of course, wild hyacinths) and multiply that by a few million.

I could have just edited the previous post but felt the smell deserved its own one. A thought, why is it when you write the word "smell" you associate it with something unpleasant? The bluebell smell is far from that- and to describe it as "perfume" or "scent" sounds too urban to me. There are a lot of other overpowering, early Summer flowers at this time- I will reserve that for another day. Have you got any favorites, pleasant or unpleasant?


  1. You are so lucky to have this kind of place. It's magical! I like how the flowers curl at the tips =)

  2. Gillian,
    Always an inspiration, I have featured Tree A Ware on my blog today!!

  3. Thanks Heather and Claire- it is always a pleasure to find a comment! and thanks Heather for putting my blog on yours again.

  4. What a lovely post! I like reading about a person experiences a place, ie. the smell, and also the sounds, temperature, mood etc. I like the smell of hyacinths, jasmine, and roses (to name a few). Wini :)

  5. and thanks Wini for getting back to me and sharing some of the smells you like!

  6. I am dedicated to making around to all 200 blogs before the 18th when it all goes away. Wow-- so glad I found your site. I love it...I am also a tree aficionado...will be adding you to my list for my last homework.
