Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Twitter!

Well, I am new to the world of twitter and do not twitter myself- because of this I was doubly grateful to find a kind reference to this blog on twitter-land, from Heather S Thompson , a fellow blogger. So, Heather, here's a little thank you in the shape of a Bluebell (every May I get crazy about Bluebell woods- you'll be seeing a lot more of them!)....


  1. Thank you so much Gillian!! This is so precious- along with your Gathering Spriggs shout out. My heart is touched. Your blog is such a beautiful inspiration and so entirely creative and unique. I have created a link to it on my blog roll and will find you on twitter too. I would love to stay in touch!!

  2. Thanks for more kind words Heather AND for putting me on your blogroll! I still have to get mine up and running & will certainly put yours on it... Yes, do let's keep in touch, but I'm afraid I'm not actually a "twitterer" myself- I just stumbled on your twitter when I was idly surfing!
