Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Welsh Trees...

When I call this post "Welsh Trees" I am not meaning they are trees unique to Wales: I am staying in Wales in Manorbier, a small village on the South-West coast, dog-sitting for my friends, the artist Philip Sutton and his wife Heather , who I have written about previously (Link). They live in an idyllic setting, surrounded by rambling flowers, trees and even a meadow, now in full bloom. As if this is not enough, the sea is only a short walk from the house- a beautiful bay with exciting rock formation.

There are so many visual, brightly coloured stimulation's here - comparable to treasure chests- and my head is full of them. One moment I am swooning over the flower-filled meadow, the next over the colours and patterns of the rocks and the patterns of the waves. I will write about the bay later, but first a return to TREES!

My favourite walk is down to the sea, usually accompanied by Toby the Norfolk Terrier I am caring for. Each time my attention will be caught by a different tree- or sometimes just the same one in a different light. Poor Toby is usually very patient and often will just sit in a resigned fashion while I take countless photos- although one time he was really fed up with me and the moment I lifted up my camera gave an extraordinary, rage-full screech!

One thing I do associate very much with West Wales is dark, green woods of ivy smothered trees so I will start of with some of them:

Apart from these ivy covered one, I have been obsessed by the shapes of some Sycamore trees, both in the garden and down the lane:

(this next tree is actually an Ash)

(whereas this next one IS a Sycamore)

And again and again I photograph this Sycamore branch, as I leave and return to the house:

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