Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Christmas Ficus Trees: 1

Well, Santa Monica City Council may not love the Ficus Trees – although, being a “Tree City USA”, they keep protesting that they DO love them– but they certainly make use of them. There is something both ironic and tragic about seeing these innocent trees displaying the Christmas Lights on 2nd and 4th Streets, knowing that the Council wants to chop them down as soon as possible…..

Working for Treesavers has been an enlightening experience for me. Coincidentally, when I returned here in October, one of my aims was to become more involved with the community. . Visual Art can often be a very solitary pursuit- which, for myself, I regard as unhealthy. Petitioning on the streets is endlessly rewarding- most people you speak to love and appreciate the trees. Only rarely you get the comment “I HATE Ficus trees”.

On January 14th the Landmarks Commission will decide whether the trees are worthy of being ‘Landmarked’, in which case they would be protected to some degree. We have to present the Commission with proof that the trees fulfill certain designated criteria.

We must be confident that both Treesavers and the Community can save the Ficus’- we cannot allow these Christmas Lights to be their final Crowning Glory!


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